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Trust & Society

Trust & Society, the global network on trust, aims to build a bridge between trust research and society.

The aim of T&S is to increase the visibility of trust research, by making its results accessible to the public and to societal institutions.

T&S strives to create social impact by establishing knowledge exchange partnerships between network members and institutions, policy-makers and other social actors. In achieving these goals, T&S aims to become a vehicle for fostering trust both at the societal level and within academic discourse and collaboration.

Visual identity and website

As Trust & Society is a major project of the LSRS (Luxembourg School of Religion & Society), ID+P was asked to design the Trust & Society (Luxembourg) logo, graphic identity and website.

Working on projects of social importance

Trust & Society’s first public event in Luxembourg was a two-day interdisciplinary conference in July 2023, bringing together researchers from different disciplines with practitioners facing a series of challenges linked to a general decline in trust.

These researchers also worked on projects of social importance.

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