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BIL Lease

Businesses are faced with the issue of ageing equipment. For this reason, BIL would like to offer them their leasing service.

How to motivate companies to lease from BIL? This was the assignment from our client, ‘Banque Internationale à Luxembourg’.

Our mission was to create a common thread with a compelling graphic universe, aimed at capturing the attention of the target group, including entrepreneurs and top management.

Our objectives were to highlight the advantages of leasing for a company and to communicate in a way that would resonate with potentially interested parties. Faced with fierce competition, companies need to perform well.

Gaming Universe

We chose the world of gaming for the message: this playful approach breaks with the stereotypical messages usually aimed at B2B targets.

Businesses innovate, and so must their equipment!

Breaking down stereotypes

By using the images of the number 1 entertainment industry, we have given a fresh twist and broken the clichés conveyed by the usual B2B campaigns. Our graphic universe is centred on video games to showcase the transition to e-mobility, the renewal of IT equipment or any other business equipment. These campaigns bring innovation to the business world, as does BIL Lease.

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