LuxInnovation website
LuxInnovation is the national innovation and research promotion agency. It offers free, personalised, integrated services through its different sectoral “clusters” to businesses of all sizes (including innovative startups) and public research organisations.
It wanted to upgrade its web presence, both in terms of the layout but also technology, to better position itself as leader in its sector. LuxInnovation entrusted IDP to completely rework its current websites.

Enhancing web presence
LuxInnovation wanted to completely restructure the structure and ergonomics of the main site, and satellite sites. The search function and information displayed were simplified, and navigation made more intuitive. Remaking the graphics was achieved with a move to responsive design, which facilitated seamless multi-device consultation. As well, administration of the site was centralised in an easy-to-use, easy-to-maintain multi-site WordPress environment.

A digital newsletter is an important communication tool for LuxInnovation. It keeps them in regular contact with subscribers, conveying the latest news, up-coming events, and interesting links to sections on the website. To help LuxInnovation teams create the newsletter we integrated a customised, flexible template directly into WordPress.